Ziyaretçi Defteri
Sıkça Sorulan Sorular
Kalite Kontrol
Kaplama Ekipmanları
İndirimli Ürünler
Kalite Kontrol
Cross-Cut Adezyon Test Kiti
Döner Kafalı Cross-Cut
Kesme Derinliği Ayarlanabilir Cross-Cut
Master Paint Plate
PTE Adezyon Pull-Off Test Cihazı
TQCSheen Adezyon Pull Off Test Cihazı - Manual
TQCSheen Adezyon Pull Off Test Cihazı - Otomatik
Otomatik Cupping Test Cihazı
Manuel Cupping Test Cihazı
Konik Bükme - Basit Model
Konik Bükme - Profesyonel Model
Silindirik Bükme
Darbe Testi - Impact Tester
El Lambaları
Inspector Flashlight
Mag-Lite Flashlight
UV Inspection Light
UV Inspection Lantern
Infrared Inspection Lantern
Elektrostatik Boya Tabanca Voltaj/Akım
STC MIKA Volt/Amper/Topraklama Direnci Ölçümü
Konveyor Topraklama Test Cihazı
Holiday / Gözeneklilik Testi
Islak Sünger Testi
Kalınlık Ölçümü
Boya-Metal Kaplama Kalınlık Ölçümü
Kalınlık Ölçüm Cihazı EBAN 5000
UKAS Sertifikalı Kalibrasyon Folyoları
Küllenme Öncesi Toz Boya Kalınlık Ölçüm Cihazı - Positest PC...
Küllenme Öncesi Toz Boya Kalınlık Ölçüm Cihazı - PowderTag
Tahribatlı Metal Kaplama Kalınlık Ölçümü
Model 6000 Kalınlık Ölçüm Sistemleri
Kalınlık Standartları
Test Çözeltileri
Tahribatlı Boya Kalınlık Ölçümü
Metal Et Kalınlık Ölçümü
Klimatik Şartlar
Dewcheck / Hava Nem, Dewpoint, Sıcaklık, Yüzey Sıcaklık
Digital Thermohygrometer with Standard Probe No.8111
Termohigrometre / Hava Nem, Dewpoint, Sıcaklık
Sallamalı Nem Ölçer
Dewpoint Hesaplama Cetveli
Digital Thermohygrometer with Penetration Probe No.8112
Manyetik Yüzey Termometresi
Korozyon Test Kabinleri
Tuz Püskürtme Test Ünitesi - SF
Özel Saf Tuz / ASTM B117 standardına uygun
Nem Kabinleri - AB
Şartlandırılmış Nem Kabinleri - HCC
Çevrimsel Korozyon Test Kabinleri - CCT
Prohesion Kabinleri - MP
Yoğunlaşma ve Kesternich Korozyon Test Kabinleri
Machu Test Banyosu
Machu Test Bıçağı
Kumlama Kalite Kontrol
Yüzey Pürüzlülük Ölçüm Cihazı SP1562
Surface Roughness Meter SJ210
Folyo-Film Kalınlık Ölçüm Cihazı
Testex Tape
Yüzey Pürüzlülük Mukayese Plakaları
Rugotest No.3 Surface Roughness Comparator
Yüzeyde Tuz Tayin Kiti - Bresle Kit
Tuz Bantları - Bresle Patches
Yüzeyde Toz Tayin Kiti - Dust Test Kit
Toz Test Bandı
Yaylı Baskı Silindiri – Toz Tayin Kiti İçin
Kuruma Zamanı Tayin Cihazı
Kuruma Zamanı Tayin Cihazı
Metal Kaplama Banyo Kontrolu
Hull Cell Test Üniteleri
Sülfat Tayin Kiti
Islatıcı Amil Tayini
Minimum Film Oluşum Test Cihazı
Minimum Film Oluşum Test Cihazı
Nem Ölçümü / Beton, Polyester, Ahşap, Tuğla
CME4 - Beton Nem
CME5 - Beton Nem -YENİ
CMEX 2 - Dijital Beton Nem Ölçüm Cihazı
Nem Ölçüm/OZMOZ Cihazı- SKIPPER 5
PTM - Ahşap Nem - Tahribatlı
SLIM LINE - Ahşap Nem - Tahribatsız
MEP - Ahşap, Sıva, Tuğla, Alçı, Çini Nem
Optik İnceleme
TQC USB Dijital Mikroskop
Aydınlatmalı USB Mikroskop
DinoLite Dijital Mikroskoplar
Dino-Lite AM4013MZTL
Dino-Lite AM4013MTL
Dino-Lite AM7013MZT
Dino-Lite AM4012PZT
DinoLite Göz Merceği Kameralar
AM422PX Dino-Eye TV
DinoLite Standlar
Dino-Lite MS34B Stand
Dino-Lite MS35B Stand
Dino-Lite MS-W1 tutucu
Diğer Mikroskop ve Büyüteçler
Aydınlatmalı Yüzey Mikroskopları
Surface Microscope with Illumination
Loupe Magnifier 10x with Illumination
Ovalama, Aşındırma ve Yıkanabilirlik Test Cihazı
Ovalama, Aşındırma ve Yıkanabilirlik Test Cihazı
Aksesuar Seçim Tablosu
pH / İletkenlik
pH Ölçüm Cihazları
İletkenlik Ölçüm Cihazları
pH / İletkenlik Kombine Cihazlar
Tampon Çözeltiler
Parlaklık, Beyazlık, Örtücülük, Görünüş, Renk Ölçüm
Parlaklık Ölçüm Cihazları - TQC
Opac Opacity Reflectometer 310
Portable Imaging Spectrocolorimeter - RM200QC
Renk Kartları
Colorbox Renk Kontrol ve Mukayese Kabini
Sertlik Ölçümü / Çizilme Mukavemeti
Barcol Alüminyum Sertlik Ölçer
Cep Tipi Sertlik Test Cihazı
Çentik / Buchholz Test Cihazı
Kalem Sertlik Test Cihazı
Mechanised Scratch Tester 705
Taber Abraser TB0156 - TB0157
Portatif Metal Sertlik Ölçüm Cihazı/Impact TH130
Sarkaç / Pendulum Sertlik Test Cihazı
Shoremeter / Plastik Sertlik Ölçümü
Sıcaklık / Endüstriyel Uygulamalar
Kurutma Fırını Sıcaklık Ölçüm ve Kayıt / Curve-X3 Basit
CurveX 4 Oven Temperature Data Logger Advanced Oven Data – E...
IR Termometre / Lazer Işınlı, Temassız
Termometre - SATO
Thermapen Termometre- Yüzey Sıcaklık Ölçüm Problu
Termokupl Termometre
Termometre - Eutech
Manyetik Yüzey Termometresi
Sıcaklık Ölçüm Etiketleri
Test Panelleri
TQC Test Panelleri
Toz Boya Akışkanlık (Dripping) Çelik Test Paneli
Yaş Boya Kalite Kontrol
Baker Film Applicators
4-Sided Film Applicators
8-Sided Film Applicator – Octoplex
Micrometer Film Applicators
Automatic Film Applicator Standard
Automatic Film Applicator Compact
Heated Perforated Vacuum Table
Wire Bar Coater
Yaş Boya Kalınlık Ölçümü
Wet Film Measuring Comb
Wet Film Thickness Gauge - Stainless Steel
Plastic Wet Film Comb
Wet Film Thickness Wheel
Cross Cut Adhesion Test Kit (Master Paint Plate)
Vizkozite Ölçüm Cihazı
Rotational Visometer - VR3000
Vizkozite Ölçüm Kapları ve Aksesuarları
Viscosity Cup ISO 2431
Viscosity Cup ISO 2431 immersion type
Viscosity Cup DIN 53211
Viscosity Cup DIN 53211 immersion type
Viscosity Cup DIN 53211 with interchangeable nozzle
Viscosity Cup ASTM D1200 FORD
Viscosity Cup ASTM D1200 FORD immersion type
Viscosity Cup ASTM D1084 D4212 ZAHN immersion type
Viscosity Cup AFNOR
Digital Stopwatch
Ring Stand for Viscosity Cup
Tripod Stand for Viscosity Cup
Temperature Control Jacket for Viscosity Cup
Viscosity Calculator
Viscosity Calibration Oils
Örtücülük Kartları / Test Charts
Grindometers Fineness of Grind Gauges
Specific Gravity Cups / Pycnometers
Çeşitli Cihazlar
Yayınlar ve Standartlar
Boya İnspektör Saha Rehberi
Yayınlar ve Standartlar
Taber Abraser TB0156 - TB0157
Taber Abrasion is used to determine relative resistance to abrasion
defined as ‘the ability of a material to withstand mechanical damage’
such as rubbing, scraping or erosion.
The Taber Abraser is an industry standard used in the wear and durability
testing of parquet, metals, leather, textiles, rubber, lacquered surfaces,
carpets, coatings etc.. Single or dual versions available. A wide range of
accessories and options is available.
Taber tests involve mounting a flat specimen approximately 100mm square
or round to a turntable platform that rotates on a vertical axis at a fixed
speed. The standard material thickness that can be evaluated with the
Taber Rotary Abraser is 6.35 mm (materials greater than 6.35 mm but less
than 40 mm can be tested with optional accessories). Two genuine Taber
abrasive wheels, whichare applied at a specific pressure, are lowered onto
the specimen surface.
Taber Test DiagramCharacteristic rub-wear action is produced by contact of
the test specimen against the sliding rotation of the two abrading wheels.
As the turntable rotates, the wheels are driven by the sample in opposite
directions about a horizontal axis displaced tangentially from the axis of
the sample. One abrading wheel rubs the specimen outward toward the
periphery and the other, inward toward the center while a vacuum system
removes loose debris during the test. The wheels traverse a complete circle
on the specimen surface, revealing abrasion resistance at all angles relative
to the weave or grain of the material. The resulting abrasion marks form
a pattern of crossed arcs in a circular band that cover an area approximately 30 cm2.
Each turntable has dual abrading arms that are precision balanced. Independently operated, the abrading arms
can be raised (or lowered) to mount or inspect specimens. Each arm is precision balanced and will apply a load
of 250 grams against the specimen, exclusive of the weight of the wheel. To increase the load to 500 or 1000
grams, a mount for auxiliary weights is located on the outside of the abrading wheel bearing assembly. This
location ensures that weights are concentric with the abrading wheel. A stud on the rear end of the abrading
arm is used to carry an optional counterweight (used to reduce the load by 50, 125, 150 or 175 grams).
Taber Abrasers Model 5135 or 5155 offer the following standard features:
* Specimen turntable speed control options of both 60 rpm and 72 rpm.
* Easy-to-use operator interface that includes tactile feel buttons and a four line digital display.
Simple on-screen instructions allow the operator to change the test parameters via the MENU button. An internal memory
stores the settings.
* A vacuum system is included and is critical for the proper operation of the instrument. The vacuum nozzle(s) is hinged
to an adjustable mounting at the rear of the housing. A precision vacuum nozzle adjustment control allows the height to
be modified for accommodating varying specimen thickness.
* Stainless steel weights are furnished to provide standard wheel loads of 500 or 1000 grams.
Weights are actually 250 or 750 grams, but are marked to show total load on each wheel.
This marking includes the weight of the abrading arm (250 grams).
* A Quick Release Mounting Hub permits quick wheel mounting without the need of a locking nut, increased clearance
for the vacuum pick-up nozzle and a larger viewing area for the test specimen. A beveled retaining nut provides
a positive locking force on the wheel hub retaining lip making certain that the wheels remain securely fastened until
* Assembled in a sturdy, sealed aluminum housing.
Complies with virtually all relevant international standards such as:
EN 438-2 • EN 660-2 • EN 13329:E • EN 13672 • EN 13696 • EN 14431 • EN 14864 • EN ISO 5470-1 • ASTM D1044 •
ASTM D3389 • ASTM D3730 • ASTM D3884 • ASTM D4060 • ASTM D4685 • ASTM D4712 • ASTM D5146 • ASTM D5324 •
ASTM D6037 • ASTM D7255 • ASTM F362 • ASTM F510 • ASTM F1478 • BS 3900 • DIN 52347 • DIN 53109 • DIN 53754 •
DIN 53799 • DIN 68861 T2 • ISO 7784-2 • ISO 9352 • TAPPI T476 • NEN 1857 • …
Order Information
- TB0156 Taber 5135 Single Head Abraser Set
- TB0157 Taber 5155 Dual Head Abraser Set
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İlgili Dökümanlar
Standards for Taber Wear Testing
TB0156-57 Taber Abraser
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